Monitor regulatory and legal changes and their impact on the business
The ever-increasing number of rules and regulations and their ability to impact a wide variety of business operations require banks and financial organizations to have an effective strategy for analyzing the latest laws and regulatory developments.
Manual resource management comes with a number of risks: missed regulatory compliance updates, the possibility of reputational harm, lack of early detection of emerging trends and compliance actions, and the failure to intercept strategic information and penalties, to name a few.
By leveraging artificial intelligence to understand and process text, banks and financial institutions can automate activities and support users in the regulatory tracking & management process. This allows regulatory managers to monitor legislative changes in real time, keep track of all news of interest, send automated alerts and notifications, and adapt and modify workflows, documents and processes to ensure they are up-to-date and compliant with regulations.
Monitor regulatory sources
Monitor news information across different sources (regulatory databases, laws, legislative rulings, regulations, standards, etc.) via a single dashboard.
Customized content analysis
Customize filters and settings for search criteria to identify the latest regulatory changes relevant for your organization.
Automatically extract data of interest
Find and extract the most relevant data without reading entire documents or manually searching for information.
Notifications and reports
Alert users about new laws or major regulatory changes and automatically generate customized reports to share news with various stakeholders.
Assess change requirements
Identify required changes and assess whether they can be concretely applied to make processes, documents and workflows compliant.