With just over six months before the new General Data Protection Regulation goes into effect on May 25, 2018, companies need to understand how this new regulation will impact their business. Here is a quick update on what you need to know about the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018.
What data is included in GDPR?
Data covered under GDPR includes any data or information that can be used to identify a person, whether directly or indirectly. Think about all of the ways we communicate and share information online and how those methods might reveal personal information about us: We communicate via email and social media; we share personal data each time we sign up for a newsletter or opt-in to a communication; and we share banking information or credit card details when we make a purchase online. Our name, photo, email address, banking information, medical information, even our computer IP address are all things that can be used to identify us and that must be protected under the new regulation.
More security for the data
What does EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018 mean for data security?
Under GDPR, companies must prevent the loss, alteration or distribution of customers’ personal and sensitive data. Companies will be required to maintain and update a repository that defines the mapping between each item of sensitive data and the corresponding anonymization rule. They must also find new ways of managing data collected through mailing lists, online forms, business cards and, in general, marketing and sales activities.
GDPR compliance projects will have a noticeable impact on the information management processes, including: data identification and categorization, data encryption and masking, data supervision, security and data protection, compliance audits and reporting.
Cognitive technology for GDPR compliance
Thanks to powerful semantic analysis, Expert System’s cognitive technology Cogito helps businesses and organizations detect, extract and anonymize sensitive data contained in unstructured content (emails, corporate repositories, databases, Enterprise Content Management systems, etc.). Cogito offers automated, high quality identification of personal data and relations between data and a user-friendly administration interface for writing extraction and categorization rules, managing taxonomies, etc.
Is your company ready for the business impact of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018?
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