The increasing globalization of business and supply chains requires companies to have tools and processes in place to safeguard your operation in all the ways that you do business. Cognitive technology can help break through the ambiguity in information to help reveal indications of risk for all of the information that you manage.
What is a risk management system? A definition
A risk management system is one that identifies, monitors and evaluate risks that the business is exposed to across all the areas where it does business. An comprehensive risk management system ensures that all of the information a business manages, from any source—internal, external or from the deep web—is available for a complete view of their risk environment. Risks hidden in any part of the business, from within the organization, to partners and at any part of the chain could result in legal or financial liabilities, operational threats, reputational damage, and more. Effective monitoring of this information can help organizations mitigate or completely avoid these risks.
Through the analysis and extraction of data from the web, certified sources, knowledge bases, social media and other sources, companies can have a true picture of the risk profiles of current and potential vendors, suppliers or any third parties.
The volume and complexity of available structured and unstructured information is far greater than the ability of any individual to intelligently manage it the time and costs required would also be untenable for any businesses.
Mitigate operational risks through cognitive technology
The ability of the Cogito cognitive technology to understand and categorize human language and to manage information from internal and external sources allows businesses to identify issues of relevance and even weak signals in information.
Cogito provides a correct perspective from which to determine the degree of risk of any data and business activity. Identifying the right targets, Cogito finds connections between different sources across multiple languages and is able to generate more useful information by detecting connections and relationships between them.