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FAIR2Adapt is a multidisciplinary project geared towards transforming data into actionable knowledge to
shape climate adaptation strategies. By leveraging and collaborating with EOSC, we fully tap into the EOSC’s
wide range of services, the FAIR Implementation Framework Catalogue of Resources, and align with the
EOSC interoperability framework. We adopt FAIR Digital Objects (FDOs) by using RO-Crate and nanopublications as key implementation tools. We use semantic bridging strategies, such as the I-ADOPT framework, and tailored FDO services to build a collaborative, user-friendly FAIR and open data sharing framework. Rich case studies will co-develop FAIR Supporting Resources in alignment with the FAIRification framework and demonstrate the impact of FAIR and open data sharing on climate change adaptation, and strategically support the EU Mission’s objective of enhancing climate resilience in European regions and communities. Through transfer cases and collaboration with other initiatives, FAIR2Adapt extends its reach to additional contexts, showcasing its scalability, sustainability and applicability beyond the project’s completion. A significant aspect of the FAIR2Adapt project is stakeholder engagement and capacity-building activities, which will be instrumental in raising awareness and devising customised solutions. By transforming data into flexible, practical, and resilient climate adaptation strategies, FAIR2Adapt constructs a scalable and extensible model for data sharing that can be adapted to multiple climate adaptation scenarios. The impact of FAIR2Adapt will span across scientific advancement, economic resilience, socialenvironmental wellbeing, and responsive policy development, fostering multidisciplinary cooperation, enhancing trust in science, and stimulating a climate-smart economy. Ultimately, FAIR2Adapt intends to build a more resilient, inclusive and knowledge-based society capable of efficiently tackling the challenges of climate change.

Project Duration: 36 months
Period: Jan 2025 – Dec 2027
Type of Funding: HORIZON-INFRA-2024-EOSC-01

funded by the EU