We stand with Ukraine

Given the complexity and breadth of risk assessment documentation, automating the risk engineering process is key. Artificial intelligence is central to the equation – more specifically, natural language understanding. Expert.ai leverages NLU technology to read all available documents and extract key information, enabling insurers to quickly identify risk exposure without the limitations of the traditional process (e.g., limited capacity, high level of subjectivity and expensive process, etc.). In doing so, organizations unburden risk engineers, freeing up time for them to allocate towards verifying more complex cases and helping underwriting teams more expeditiously turn around quotes for new policies.  

Read AXA XL case study
Infographic: Your Guide to Risk Engineering

minimum reduction in total process time


report pages processed in seconds


savings per risk report (at high end)


accuracy level of risk analysis

Put expert.ai for Risk Engineering to work:

Read and Understand Documents

Our technology reads and understands all available documents that describe the facilities to be insured (e.g., the risk of fire for a specific property location).

Detect Risk Factors

Our technology detects risk factors across your entire report for each specific object (e.g., building, factory, production process, etc.).

Assign Risk Grading Score

Our technology evaluates every risk qualifier, assigns a grade to each, then returns an overall score.

Aggregate the Information

Our technology aggregates your information by location (i.e., multiple locations in the same report, or the same location in multiple reports).